
Our lean ground beef is 92-93% lean!

In January 2025, we were able to perform formal testing of our ground beef for fat content by Food Safety Net Services in San Antonio, Texas. We had 4 batches in the freezers: three of our usual lean ground beef and one from a 5-year old animal that we harvested rather than sell into the commodity food system.
The fat content of the three lean lots were 6.00, 6.09, and 7.30%; respectively, these correspond to 94%, 93.91%, and 92.7% lean.
The ground beef from the 5 year old animal had fat content 21.96%, and was 78.04% lean.
Which is best? The leaner ground beef has fewer calories but is less suitable for people on keto diets, who need fat for energy. The 5 year old's ground beef, at approximately 80/20, retains the health benefits of 100% grass fed / grass finished beeef but has the extra energy that people on keto diets require.
When you order, please let us know which type you prefer (while supplies last).

Certified by the Real Organic Project

In June 2020, we were certified by the Real Organic Project. This means that we are located in the United States, are not a large corporation gaming the National Organic Program, and are what you are probably looking for: a small family-run farm that does things the right way.

We relinquished certification by A Greener World

In June 2020, we stopped participating in the program by A Greener World so that we could show respect for two of the great traditional cultures of the world by offering meats prepared by the Kosher and perhaps in the future Halal traditional methods. Leading authorities such as Dr. Temple Grandin have found that, properly done, kosher slaughter is humane. We have changed nothing in the way we raise our cattle since relinquishing that certification.

Certified 100% Grassfed Certified (including strict animal welfare requirement)

As of June 2019, we are certified 100% Grassfed Certified by The American Grassfed Association. This certification includes a strict animal welfare requirement, and covers the current calf crop.

Certified 100% Grassfed Certified / Animal Welfare Approved

As of July 2018, we are certified Animal Welfare Approved and 100% Grassfed Certified by A Greener World. This includes the current calf crop.

Certified Organic status achieved for crops and for beef cattle

As of December 2017, we are certified for both crops and beef cattle by Natures International. As of July 2020, all calves now in the herd are certified organic.

Certified Transitional status achieved

On February 12, 2015, we received notification that our vegetable products were Certified Transitional effective December 17, 2014. A small area of hay production was also certified; we applied for that to make sure we knew the procedures for hay. We plan to apply for Certified Organic status of the entire farm later this year.